Written by Phila Vocia aka Woww Sherry
Hot Date Audio 27 Minutes
The file is being reworked, rerecorded to play on your mobile device or other device.
I will post an update here when the mobile version is available. It will be available by January 31, 2025.
Audio: Hot Safe Sex Story, a couple doing self-pleasure, very erotic, 12 minutes, 90 sec music, sensual poem, then another 12 minutes music, approximately 27 minutes total.
This is the story in PDF.
I Safe Sex You, Because I Love You…Yes it’s a Hot Date Contents 07 29 2019 11 41 am
Here are Excerpts from this book:
I Safe Sex You, Because I Love You…Yes, it’s a Hot Date
NOTE: This book is R Rated, some sexy language and imagery in it leads to provocative thinking, but in a safe, sensual way!
The story is hot. The suggestions are just there to make the point that it is nice to have sex safely. Read the pages. Feel like you are in a hot sex scene. Think about your own encounters. What did you like best? When will you do it again? Who were you with that time or were you alone doing self pleasure? We aim to empower you! See how to purchase a recorded version of the story and poem, inside of the book.
You will keep the knowledge with you and be ready to pass it on.
There are also Relationship Pointers and Safe Sex Tips in the book. Here are a few:
Don’t Promise to Marry to Get Sex
Yes in some countries it is a crime to promise to marry someone if they give you sex. You may have experienced such a situation and learned from it. Give sex because you want to and stay in control of yourself. A marriage should be a real thing, with a real ceremony and everything in writing, a marriage license and maybe a prenuptial contract etc. None of this married in spirit junk. Real paperwork or it’s not real.
Thinking About Sex
Sex: Will I have it, when to have it, where to have it, have it, don’t have it, should I have it, I had it, it was good, it was bad, it was fast, it was slow, I remember it, I forgot it, will it go away, will it come back, all in all, I think I will think about it tomorrow? You get the idea, we think about it often.
Sex is Natural and Healthy
Sex is natural and healthy, just use good manners, use safe sex techniques and relax, it’s different every time you do it. Your thoughts and emotions will be just as varied as they are when relaxing. Every day is different, same for sex, each time is different. Enjoy them all!
Consensual Sex
Search Consensual Sex in a Wikipedia Summary. Read it in good health, yes watch out for miners, it’s against the law and while you are at it, keep those fetishes in check. The illegal and bizarre sex acts are going to slow you down. There is plenty of fun in the legal realm of sex!
Natural Sex Boosters
Read Up on Herbs that Enhance Sex. The list of herbs is very complete. Search for a website. Sex when you are 20 years old is a lot different than sex when you are 80 years old. Don’t laugh; yes people have sex at all different ages and for a variety of reasons.
Sex is More than Meets the Eye
Besides the hopes to create a baby, besides the thousands of sexy visual stimuli that greet you every day, besides the intentional or not intentional interaction from others, besides your own wanton desire great or small, there is a lot that goes into sex as an activity. Invest some time in your study of sex, even for your own sake.
WHEN YOU BREAK YOUR VIRGINITY… Be prepared to experience a new person in your life… closer than your non-sexual relationships but not as close as your blood relatives. You will feel a mind-body-spirit change. Maturity is good.
SEX is not FOOD. FOOD is not SEX. Food when eaten, strengthens your body’s energy and makes you feel healthy, more energy, hence, fertile and ready to have sex. But the automatic response to food, the feeling of fertile (sexy, horny) only will last during your peak reproduction years somewhere around 21 to 40. Then you have to take specially formulated vitamins for males and females to promote sexual performance or ask your doctor what he or she suggests. So don’t eat too much hoping for a better sexual response. The whole result of sex is a combination of many bodily hormones and reactions and emotional readiness. Sex can be different every time, even with the same person. Enjoy sex, but be flexible about the results. Use it or loose it. Some men and women are having sex at age 70 and above. And without doubt, a baby is the highest result of sex. Everything else is practice!
DON’T BE OBSESSED…With looks and body weight. Even the most attractive people change as they get older or could change sooner due to situations that arise in life. Moderation is good.
OUR SOCIETY…Always needs good, intelligent people. If you don’t have or want to have children, donate to your community in another way. Harmony in life is good.
USE LATEX CONDOMS & VITAMINS…See your doctor or clinic for medical safe sex information. Science is good.
To own a copy of the above ebook in addition to the FREE pdf file and get the same Hot Safe Sex Story the Relationship Pointers and Safe Sex Tips go to this Amazon link $2.99 Amazon Kindle they have the free reader software there too: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079JZSBCG
Dont’ Fight: If you are married or in a relationship, if you have a massage or other encounter, the best thing I can tell you is not to spend all of the “House Money” and to get the heck home after the meet up.
If you have any questions, send us an email.
Have fun,

Stay Safe
The modern world has real modern birth control, real modern nude pictures, real modern medicine, and real modern lifestyles, so why not have real modern ways to express your sexuality safely?
We caution people from choosing the escort route but instead go the way of massages either at professional studios or with friends.
Dont’ Fight: If you are married or in a relationship, if you have a massage or other encounter, the best thing I can tell you is not to spend all of the “House Money” and to get the heck home after the meet up.
Thinking About Sex
Sex: Will I have it, when to have it, where to have it, have it, don’t have it, should I have it, I had it, it was good, it was bad, it was fast, it was slow, I remember it, I forgot it, will it go away, will it come back, all in all, I think I will think about it tomorrow? You get the idea, we think about it often.
Sex is Natural and Healthy
Sex is natural and healthy, just use good manners, use safe sex techniques and relax, it’s different every time you do it. Your thoughts and emotions will be just as varied as they are when relaxing. Every day is different, same for sex, each time is different. Enjoy them all!
Consensual Sex
Search: Consensual Sex in an online search or in a library. Read it in good health, yes watch out for miners, it’s against the law and while you are at it, keep those fetishes in check. The illegal and bizarre sex acts are going to slow you down. There is plenty of fun in the legal realm of sex!
Natural Sex Boosters
Read Up on Herbs that Enhance Sex. The list of herbs is very complete. Search for a website. Sex when you are 20 years old is a lot different than sex when you are 80 years old. Don’t laugh; yes people have sex at all different ages and for a variety of reasons.
Sex is More than Meets the Eye
Besides the hopes to create a baby, besides the thousands of sexy visual stimuli that greet you every day, besides the intentional or not intentional interaction from others, besides your own wanton desire great or small, there is a lot that goes into sex as an activity. Invest some time in your study of sex, even for your own sake.
OK After Babies Then What?
Sex can be anything from sacred to a sport event. People are curious, and when they are young they jump into it, sometimes unprepared and sure enough a pregnancy can occur.
Then oh what to do next? HAVING A BABY IS A BIG DEAL, families join literally in human flesh, thousands in costs, a sort of personal mind body spirit connection platform, a pod meaning a group, develops between you and your spouse and offspring. Keep it going nicely, it’s well worth it. Some people can’t stay together. They fight, say things, break up, then they have what is called either an atypical family (when you live with one parent a grandparent, relative or other person but everyone is happy) or it’s called a dysfunctional family (when you live with one parent a grandparent, relative or other person but everyone is not happy) try for happiness!
Are you married if not then what? Hence, birth control has been trying to alleviate unwanted pregnancies for years. Churches and groups may oppose, some do, and some don’t. The human race marches on, and on.
Bottom line…children are yes, very special and yes sacred and the proof of your lineage, your bloodline, your family. Enjoy their talents, help them all you can. Then there is the afterlife and all the work you put in becomes meaningful for the rich as well as the poor. Yes poor people have afterlives too.
So, any sex that does not produce a baby is well, practice. But don’t have a baby every time, I agree with the pro birth control advocates. Babies are expensive. So have fun and respect your sex! Keep practicing nicely.
Don’t Promise to Marry to Get Sex
Yes in some countries it is a crime to promise to marry someone if they give you sex. You may have experienced such a situation and learned from it. Give sex because you want to and stay in control of yourself. A marriage should be a real thing, with a real ceremony and everything in writing, a marriage license and maybe a prenuptial contract etc. None of this married in spirit junk. Real paperwork or it’s not real.
Sexual Harassment and Legal Problems
Don’t do the harassing and don’t harass anyone it can cost you your job and money in legal fees.
Facing Discrimination? Free Legal Advice
Today the workplace can be a wonderful place. The relief of having a paycheck, a home away from home with work friends and a pleasant feeling that you can buy the things you need. What happens if someone unjustly tries to take your job away due to your sexual preference or uses age or other types of discrimination or attempts to set you up for a sexual harassment case? Get some legal advice.
Sex and Biology
Let’s begin the discussion. Let’s talk about sex. Let’s talk about the true biology of sex and the separate needs of men and women. Go to the blogs; go to the forums, and even your politicians. Get the word out that we need social change about the way we feel and what our limits are about subjects concerning sex, birth control, same sex marriages and same sex unions, and all the issues concerning sex!