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Why the Legal Hand didn’t happen.
We did plenty of research about why legislators have not tried to make sex work legal or a hand release in a massage situation legal and there seems to be no interest in legalizing any aspect of sex acts.
Plus the massage industry doesn’t want to compete with the sex industry. Doctors and Nurses won’t refer to the sex industry type of massage and it wouldn’t be covered medically.
So we might as well just go for legal independent hand release workers with rules to keep everyone safe and leave the massage industry to do their therapeutic work they way they do it.
Then, it’s back to hoping that the new politicians, judges and local law enforcement will rally to have legal hand release workers and we can all be happy!
Real life experiences while listening to the concerns of clients, many people know of the heart ache from the religious men in marriages that are stifled and devoid from sex, the worry couples face who wonder will my mate come home if he has an encounter. And realizing the relief of the not so perfect, disabled, hard to date and otherwise awfully lonely, who reach out for comfort. Then there is the entire mainstream to consider, the satisfaction of the healthy, wealthy and wise, when they get what they need, then walk away as easy as getting off a bus.
FREE PDF More Massages Please! Massage with a Legal Hand Release.
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More Massages Please! Contents 12 14 2021 2 30 pm ab
A massage idea.
Massage with a Self Pleasure Ending 12 14 2021 a
The Kindle Version is at Amazon.